Wednesday, May 7, 2008

First Photo

A part of the trip I will continue to mention is the fact that Dad took Polaroid pictures all throughout the time we were on the road, and the most consistent series of pictures is the taking outside the motel room. Most of the time I wasn't really aware that Dad was taking pictures, I was usually doing my own thing and unwinding from the long hours in the car, Dad took it upon himself to make the daily picture his own ritual and most everyone else was uninterested in the project.

Taking a Polaroid picture for dad was not a simple procedure, it actually could take hours sometimes, which seemed a bit ironic given the fact he was taking "instant" Polaroid pictures. The meticulous manner that went into setting up the motel photo often tried everyone's patience so most of the time we just stayed out of it all. Even for such a simple camera Dad had figured out dozens of variables, had many complicated attachments and filters to manipulate exposures, and he was always aware of the atmosphere which even the most subtle change could mean the difference between a masterpiece, or a dud.

Even with the serious limitations Polaroid cameras and film offered, Dad over time was somehow able to get the best results out of such a deceptively primitive technology

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